Salimos de Monterrey en busca de un buen spot, llegamos a un Oxxo compramos agua, una manzana, un yogurt y muchos chocolates!! ! el resultado fué un día de buen cotorreo, platica y un super Trash The Dress!!!
Aqui les dejo algunas fotos tomadas con la Nikon D90 recien desempacada del buen Hec, definitivamente un buen día de producción, de compartir buenas ideas y de camaraderia. Gracias a Héctor y Paloma por haber sacrificado su tiempo y su vestido!!!!
Last week Fer Juaristi, Héctor, Paloma and Reelove’s crew had a special meeting. We left Monterrey in a mission to look for a good spot. First, we bought water, apples, some yoghurt and lots of chocolates! We had as a result a good day of chatting and a super Trash the Dress session!!
Here you have some pics taken with Hec’s brand new Nikon D90. Definitely it was a good day for producing and sharing good ideas; also for having a great time with our newest friends. Thanks Hec and Paloma for putting some of your valuable time and also to sacrifice the wedding dress!!!